How to use external API's in GraphQL via Apollo server

There are scenarios in GraphQL where we have to use external API's. Let's take a look at an example of how to call external API's in a GraphQL server.

As part of this example, lets take an example of Stocktwits API to find the trending stocks and then use the IEXTrading API to get the details of each of the stocks.

  1. Lets install the required packages first

    npm i grahql apollo-server apollo-datasource-rest --save

  2. First lets create the class which fetches the trending stocks and then gets the details for each of the stocks via Stocktwits API.

    For this we will create a class which extends RESTDataSource from the module apollo-datasource-rest.

    const { RESTDataSource } = require('apollo-datasource-rest');
    class StockTwitsAPI extends RESTDataSource {
    constructor() {
    this.baseURL = ''
    async getSymbolInfo (symbol) {
    try {
    const data = await this.get(`${symbol}/quote`, null, {
    cacheOptions: {ttl: 60}
    return data
    } catch (error) {
    async getTrending() {
    const data = await this.get('trending/symbols.json', null, {
    cacheOptions: {ttl: 60}
    const trendingSymbolDetails = data.symbols.filter(item => !item.symbol.includes(".X")).map(item => this.getSymbolInfo(item.symbol))
    const allData = await Promise.all(trendingSymbolDetails)
    return allData
    module.exports = StockTwitsAPI
    view raw stocktwits.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

  3. Lets create the type defs to define the schema and the required queries. In our case we are just creating a single query to return back an array of Stock which are trending on Stocktwits.

    const typeDefs = gql`
     type Stock {
      symbol: String
      companyName: String
      sector: String
      latestPrice: Float
      week52High: Float
      week52Low: Float
     type Query {
      stocktwitstrending: [Stock]
  4. Lets create the resolvers for each of the queries. Within the resolvers, the dataSources will be injected, through which we will be getting the API data.
    const resolvers = {
    Query: {
    stocktwitstrending: async (_source, _args, { dataSources }) => {
    let trendingList = await dataSources.stockTwitsAPI.getTrending()
    return trendingList
    view raw resolver.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
  5. Finally, lets create our apollo server.

    const server = new ApolloServer({
     dataSources: () => {
      return {
       stockTwitsAPI: new StockTwitsAPI()
    // This `listen` method launches a web-server.  Existing apps
    // can utilize middleware options, which we'll discuss later.
    server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
     console.log(`🚀  Server ready at ${url}`)

Lets start the server and bring up the graphql playground to see how the response looks.

curl 'http://localhost:4000' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Origin: http://localhost:4000' --data-binary '{"query":"{stocktwitstrending{symbol,companyName,latestPrice}}"}' --compressed

Response :-

  "data": {
    "stocktwitstrending": [
        "symbol": "CRM",
        "companyName": " Inc",
        "latestPrice": 127.54
        "symbol": "TIF",
        "companyName": "Tiffany & Co.",
        "latestPrice": 94.05
        "symbol": "NTNX",
        "companyName": "Nutanix Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 40.97
        "symbol": "WB",
        "companyName": "Weibo Corporation",
        "latestPrice": 59.1
        "symbol": "SJM",
        "companyName": "J.M. Smucker Company (The)",
        "latestPrice": 109.18
        "symbol": "ACAD",
        "companyName": "ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 17
        "symbol": "DKS",
        "companyName": "Dick's Sporting Goods Inc",
        "latestPrice": 37.5
        "symbol": "BURL",
        "companyName": "Burlington Stores Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 148.56
        "symbol": "BA",
        "companyName": "The Boeing Company",
        "latestPrice": 318.03
        "symbol": "CMCM",
        "companyName": "Cheetah Mobile Inc. American Depositary Shares each representing 10 Class",
        "latestPrice": 5.48
        "symbol": "SINA",
        "companyName": "Sina Corporation",
        "latestPrice": 61.9
        "symbol": "GPIC",
        "companyName": "Gaming Partners International Corporation",
        "latestPrice": 7.69
        "symbol": "AFSI",
        "companyName": "AmTrust Financial Services Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 13.99
        "symbol": "AAL",
        "companyName": "American Airlines Group Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 38.29
        "symbol": "WHR",
        "companyName": "Whirlpool Corporation",
        "latestPrice": 125.26
        "symbol": "PDCO",
        "companyName": "Patterson Companies Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 26.16
        "symbol": "ALK",
        "companyName": "Alaska Air Group Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 70.75
        "symbol": "JILL",
        "companyName": "J. Jill Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 5
        "symbol": "PLAN",
        "companyName": "Anaplan Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 22.5
        "symbol": "GNL",
        "companyName": "Global Net Lease Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 20.18
        "symbol": "TS",
        "companyName": "Tenaris S.A. American Depositary Shares",
        "latestPrice": 24.36
        "symbol": "DAL",
        "companyName": "Delta Air Lines Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 58.31
        "symbol": "BOX",
        "companyName": "Box Inc. Class A",
        "latestPrice": 17.41
        "symbol": "VEEV",
        "companyName": "Veeva Systems Inc. Class A",
        "latestPrice": 89.79
        "symbol": "GNE",
        "companyName": "Genie Energy Ltd. Class B Stock",
        "latestPrice": 6.23
        "symbol": "DLTR",
        "companyName": "Dollar Tree Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 81.82
        "symbol": "MDB",
        "companyName": "MongoDB Inc.",
        "latestPrice": 79.55

Why RESTDataSource?

Its an obvious question as to why cant we call the API's within the resolvers and just return back the data. The reason this approach is recommended is because of the below reasons :-

  1. Encapsulation: Its far more clearner to have a class which tacles everything related to the triggering of external API calls rather than having everything within the resolvers.
  2. Caching: You can set the caching of the API responses by setting the time you want to cache the responses in the data source.

    In the above example i can set the caching ttl as below :-

    const data = await this.get('trending/symbols.json', null, {
     cacheOptions: {ttl: 60}